Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election night

Fitting that I'd get sick on election night...

You know what? I really want the democrats to stop whining. i really, really, really do. You lost. You can't blame Nader, you can't blame Cobb. You can only blame yourselves. You lost more control of the Congress, we lost every motion for gay rights in every state that had it on the ballot... this country stood up and declared to the world that we are unashamed, ignorant bigots who like war nd hate faggots and the french (one and the same, according to FOX news exit polls.) We can no longer say "don't blame us, blame our government." We re-elected him. Quit whining about the election being hijacked. It probably was, but this year it's democrats that are holding up the procedures and acting shifty.

Why has this party been unable to make any gains this year? I don't claim to know, but you as a party and we as liberals need to figure out why both ideologies are unsuccessful in this country. Is it the baseless persecution of Nader voters? Is it the arrogance of the party? Are its ideals outdated or too modern? I don't know. All I know is we lost.


And no amount of whining will change it.

So instead of sitting around bitching for four years, DO SOMETHING! Don't start caring 3 months before the election. Care now! Don't persecute fellow liberal for their beliefs. Work together to affect change!

It's 254 to 252. It's all down to Ohio. And it's going to a be a dirty ball game all the way to home plate. But no matter what happens, keep fighting the good fight. Divided we stand, right now.

I'm going to keep standing up for what I believe, even if I'm standing alone.

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