Saturday, October 16, 2004

Another repost of my old rants

Every time I get that fucking email, I freak out. You want to know how popular this war is? Talk about reinstating the draft. You'll get your answer.

But let's get frank about all this bullshit and whether or not it's really going to happen. First, what you need to know is the draft bill was defeated. It lost in the house by a vote of 402-2. Even the Democratic Senator who introduced it voted against it.

But what's this? Democrat, you say? Yes. The Esteemed Rep. Charles Rangel, (D-N.Y.), initiated this legislation. So, to all you branless liberals who think that the democratic party farts freedom, jizzes justice, and uses a douche of Spring Fresh Peace and Democracy - get a fucking clue! They are just as corrupt and evil as the republicans, they just have better plastics surgeons and less organizational skills!

Ahem, that rant aside, the bill has been defeated.

For now.

Yes, I am aware that both Kerry and Bush have said there will be no draft. But the global social and political climate will determine that. Not them. "Not. Gonna. Happen." The word of President W about the draft. Does the phrase 'read my lips' ring any bells? Were there no new taxes? That's right. We smashed into a depression and a war and we needed to funding for both.

As president, you do what you have to. A wonderful quote in Newsweek sums it up: "If we need to occupy another country that tratens us, we will either do it with the help of our allies or the conscriptions of our kids." There it is, point blank. The army is already stretched too thin and there is NO NO way we can win in countries that pose greater threats than Iraq without a ground occupation. We learned this in Iraq. Shock and Awe is all well and good but our troops will have to occupy the contry in ensure stability. (THat's what we're supposed to be doing in Iraq, lest you forgot. I know, it's hard to tell.)

And there are greater threats than Iraq. Consider Iran, where the radical mullahs are nearly in possession of nuclear weapons. This is a genuine threat to the peacy and secutiry of the world. Some mullahs have already openly discussed using nukes to destroy Isreal. And as everyone who isn't a US media-fed cow knows that the heart of global Islamic-driven terrorism is the Isreal-Palestine conflict. Even Musharraf conceeded and in fact pushed this point in an interview with Newsweek last week. If someone attacks Isreal, all fucking HELL is going to break loose. 30f our international spending goes into keeping people from attacking Isreal. (Acutally, it may be more... if only I had my library with me...)

So this is the deal with the draft... with National Guard recruitment down 12Ă€something has give one way or the other. Reservists as old as their 40s are being mobilized, tours extended, and soldiers have reported being blackmailed into re-uping. If not, they are immediately shipped to Iraq. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld hass pointed out that personel management can tide us over for a little while. But as Repudlican Sen. Chuck Hagel [a likely presidential candidate in 2008] said that a draft "might become necessary" in the years ahead. Apparently, Sen. Hagel has a better grasp of history than either Bush or Kerry. What we must consider is an issue of diplomacy... will hated Bush or questionable Kerry be able to revived America's battered alliances and convince (not coerce) other nations into giving us their military and financial aid. Diplomacy does work. Five years after former President Clinton's war in Kosovo 100% of the peacekeeping is handled by foriegn troops.

So what am I saying? The draft issue may be laid to rest for the rest of election season but its not over forever. So you can stop sending me that fucking retarded email and go stew in your own propoganda for a bit. But don't stop worrying about the draft because its not over and done with until the fat lady sings. (And by that I mean the Bush twins.)

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