Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Why it is imperative to vote

So, you live in California and it's definitely going to Kerry. You live in Texas and it's definitely going to Bush. You live in Florida and, in case you haven’t noticed, the fate of the free world rests on your shoulders.

It doesn't matter where you live or how solid the results of the 2004 presidential race may or may not be. You must go out and vote.


Because if you ever want any politician to listen to your issues, you must first stand up and voice what they are. If the 18-26 block wants politicians to pay attention to them, they must get out en masse on November 2nd. Groups carefully track who votes for what in what numbers. Why do you think Democrats pander to the black community the way the do? Because when that block votes, it votes in large numbers for democratic candidates and causes. It is in their interest to address the needs of this group to keep themselves in office.

Whatever your age, your race, you income bracket, sexual orientation, gender, or whatever other way you want to break yourself down, you must go out and represent your interests.

Secondly, if all the supporters of Bush or Kerry decided not to go out and vote, a state that is a 'lock' could slip away. With Gore losing the electoral college by 500 votes, every vote matters. It always does.

Third, if this is your first election, you must vote. Statistics show that if you don’t vote by age 25, most likely you won't.

Fourth, there are a whole host of local and state issues and candidates that you need to be aware and involved in.

So please, no matter who you are voting for, get out there on November 2nd and do it.

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