Saturday, October 16, 2004

What are the issues? Where are the tissues?

The Kos has some good thoughts on what the main issues are in this election. Not just draft fears, but outsourcing, oil prices, and the critical issue of the flu shot are keeping things tight in battle ground areas.

Anyone else noticed that oil prices at the pump don't match the skyrocketing prices of crude? Who has the big oil companies in their pocket? Yeah, that's what I figured.

We invaded the largest known oil reserve in the world and we're still paying $2.25 or more for our Black Gold? What is imperialism good for if not improving the quality of life for the conquerers? Wait, I forget that I am not an Inner Party Member... DAMN YOU MINISTRY OF TRUTH!!!!!!

Did I just mention MiniTru? Well, check this out. No, its mot a link to the Information Awareness Office [I love them so] but a link talking about how the Republican party punished the Republicans who got fired for voter fraud in South Dakota... by giving them jobs in Ohio.

And now onto news about our broad and unshakable global popularity...

First, our main ally in the War on Loosely Defined Ideology is getting a lot of flack about shifting troops in Iraq.

""The question of chain of command is an extremely important one. I've no objection to British troops serving under American command but it needs to be extremely clearly worked out."

That is a quote from Shadow Defence Secretary Nicholas Soames who has what can be considered one of the coolest titles in history.

British soldiers serving under American command? That sets up an interesting precedent... what if the UN wanted to send in trooops but wanted command over US forces? Does the US get command over everyone? Why is it like this solely in Iraq or is it? Is it a foriegn occupation? Uh oh...

And that is not all. A ten country poll shows our reputation plummeting overseas. I'm sorry, Mister President, but there is a global test. You want to know why? Because there is a global market that we are reliant upon for economic survival and a global community that we expect to stand with us in offence and defense of our nation. I don't know about you, but I want the EU on our fucking side the next time you decide that "yippe-kay-yay motherfuckers" is a well-thought out foriegn policy.

This is a great article from the LA Times about George Bush's tax record. "Kerry raised taxes 98 times over 20 years? That's nothing. Bush is about to do the same 63 times in a single day."

And then there is Iraq where it's nothing but rosebods, or so the Bush camp is saying. But in the real world, there are 1,092 dead soldiers [34 in the last two weeks alone] and they are arrestingentire platoons.

This article from the Post made me giggle a bit.
"For months now I've dropped bets on the presidential election like Hansel (of "Hansel and Gretel") dropped pebbles. For honor and money, I've wagered on George Bush, not because I wanted him to win but rather because I thought he would. Now I'm changing my mind. It's not the tightening polls that have done it -- I knew that would happen -- but rather something I could not have predicted. The president is missing.

The president I have in mind is the funny, good-natured regular guy I once saw on the campaign trail -- a man of surprisingly quick wit and just plain likeability. I contrasted this man to John Kerry, who is as light and as funny as a mud wall, and I thought, "There goes the election."

Where it has mattered most -- the three debates -- Bush has been wooden, ill at ease and downright spooky. He makes bad jokes, cackles at them in the manner of a cinematic serial killer and has lacked the warmth that he not only once had but that I thought would compensate for a disastrous presidency and give him a second -- God help us -- term. In short, he could take over the Bates Motel in an instant.

And that is the news to me.

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